Shopping Centre Advertising with Firefly
83% of people recall seeing OOH advertising within the last 30 minutes before shopping, making shopping centre advertising a very powerful marketing tool
Over 88% of visitors to a mall will purchase during that visit. Get your ads seen by the right people at the right time.
Screens are located in high impact areas within busy shopping centers and malls often showing dynamic content helping drive sales today so that you can build your brand tomorrow.
Are you looking to build your brand nationally or in a region? Advertising in shopping centers gets your brand front and center over the Uk’s leading flagship retail and leisure destinations.
Majority of screens over the Uk’s main shopping centers are digital, enabling you to change your creative message as often as you need to. Advertisers are a mixture of stores that have a presence inside the shopping center to direct you to their store with a current message / offer or clients who want to target the audience that visits that shopping location